Osteopathy for babies and young children

Osteopathy is a hands-on but gentle form of treatment, making it an ideal solution for children and young people. Parents have long sought osteopathic treatment for their children (from newborns through to teenagers), safe in the knowledge it’s a non-invasive treatment that actively works with the body’s natural functions.

In fact, many parents who bring their children into The Brentwood Osteopath spend their time taking pictures, so happy and relaxed are the children with the treatment.

Osteopathy has been proven to effectively treat a whole host of conditions and ailments, including cramp, digestion issues and joint pains. The treatment also promotes relaxation – itself an effective tool for dispelling aches and general tensions.

Osteopathy works to the principle that the body’s overall health is directly impacted by form and function. It’s why an ailment or injury can be attributed to any number of additional factors (for example, a sprained ankle that causes a limp can result in over-compensation throughout the whole body, including the pelvis, spine, ribcage and neck). Osteopathy plays a particularly effective role in identifying issues and treating the whole body, to restore balance, function and general health.

At The Brentwood Osteopath we specialise in cranial osteopathy, otherwise known as cranial sacral therapy. Being an even gentler, non-manipulative treatment that works with the skull and spine, it’s especially suitable for children young people who have softer skeletons than adults. By working with and responding to delicate feedback from the body, we can help promote calmness and remove tension – doing so in a safe, gentle and soothing manner.

Osteopathy for pregnant women

Pregnancy brings the largest bodily change most women will ever go through. Ligaments soften, weight increases and the posture changes – sometimes drastically. All this causes no small amount of aches and ailments; strains and sprains. To better manage the additional pressure put on joints all over the body, many pregnant women turn to osteopathy for a treatment that’s drug-free and gentle but manual and hands-on.

It’s not just during pregnancy that osteopathy can be beneficial, but afterwards too. The stresses and strains don’t evaporate once the baby is born, so a great many women choose to continue their treatment for as long as they need it.

At The Brentwood Osteopath, advice is given based on your individual needs, and done so with your overall health and wellbeing in mind. For example, we can work alongside lactation consultants to provide new mums with postural advice related to breastfeeding. We work with you to provide an extensive package of care including manual therapy, exercise therapy and ongoing support for self-management to ensure you don’t just become pain free, but stay that way too.